Individual Medium Post #1

Renae Sweis (Reira)
1 min readApr 19, 2021

Taking another look into Goffe’s passage, I recalled the stress on the power of soundscapes in terms of communication. This really paved the way for the Chinese and Jamaican people to connect and communicate spiritually through music etc. This is how the Chiney shop became kind of like a safe space that was said to be for “leisure and lyrical music exchange”. Unfortunately, capitalism came in and diminished those communications between the two and causes there to be injustices and stereotypes among the Jamaican people. Sound is very important because it is what brought the Chinese and Jamaican people together and connected them in a special way that would have otherwise been difficult given the circumstances of the situation. If we look at the Honolulu Chinatown situation, we can recognise that it’s quite similar in terms of those special connections that are formed. It’s special in the same way because the Chinese Immigrants in Chinatown used spiritual connections to communicate as well.

